

How plants protect themselves from sun damage

By | News, Plant Science, Research

For plants, sunlight can be a double-edged sword. They need it to drive photosynthesis, the process that allows them to store solar energy as sugar molecules, but too much sun can dehydrate and damage their leaves. A primary strategy that plants use to protect themselves from this kind of photodamage is to dissipate the extra light as heat. However, there has been much debate over the past several decades over how plants actually achieve this.

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Unexpected discovery: Blue-green algae produce oil

By | Agriculture, News, Plant Science

Cyanobacteria – colloquially also called blue-green algae – can produce oil from water and carbon dioxide with the help of light. This is shown by a recent study. The result is unexpected: Until now, it was believed that this ability was reserved for plants. It is possible that blue-green algae will now also become interesting as suppliers of feed or fuel, especially since they do not require arable land.

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Even single-celled organisms need their space: Squished bacteria may shut down photosynthesis

By | News, Plant Science

Introverts take heart: When cells, like some people, get too squished, they can go into defense mode, even shutting down photosynthesis. 

In a study recently published, a team at CU Boulder took advantage of a new microscopic technique to follow the lives of individual bacteria as they grew and divided in complex colonies. 

The researchers discovered something unexpected in the process: Whenever these single-celled organisms, a type of cyanobacteria or blue-green algae, got too smushed, they began to switch off the machinery that was essential for them to turn sunlight into sugar.

The tiny organisms, in other words, slowed down their growth in a big way, said Jeffrey Cameron, an assistant professor in the Department of Biochemistry and coauthor of the new research.

“If a cell is between a rock and a hard place, internally everything says, ‘Yes, I have nutrients. I want to grow,’” said Cameron, also of the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Institute (RASEI) at CU Boulder. “But there also has to be a feedback that says, ‘I need to turn off photosynthesis so I don’t expand and rupture.’”

The findings, which appear in Nature microbiology, provide a new window on this process that sustains most life on Earth—and, in particular, how organisms regulate photosynthesis when the going gets tough. Cameron hopes that his team’s results will also help scientists to develop custom-made microbes that could one day turn light into electricity or even construct living buildings.

Bacterial pancakes

As Cameron explains, it all began almost by accident.

He launched this research several years ago with a deceptively simple goal in mind: He and his colleagues wanted to track the behavior of individual cells within a bacterial colony throughout their entire lifecycle. 

That was a difficult feat—for simple-looking organisms, cyanobacteria can form pretty complex structures.

“The cells on the outside of a colony are exposed to a lot of light, while those on the inside have low light exposure,” Cameron said. “Over time as they grow and accumulate more cells, they shade themselves.”

To be able to see every single cell in a growing colony, Cameron developed a method of culturing cyanobacteria so that they spread out like flat pancakes. When he started peering at these two-dimensional growths under a microscope, he noticed something odd: The more the colonies grew, and the more the bacteria inside began to squeeze together, the more they began to glow, or “fluoresce,” under a certain type of light.

The microbes, he explained, were emanating heat out to their environment, almost like a person perspiring on a packed city bus. 

“I dropped everything and spent the next four years figuring out what was happening,” Cameron said.

The key, he and his colleagues discovered, was that the cells in a colony weren’t all glowing the same. The cyanobacteria on the inside of a colony, for example, fluoresced a lot more than those on the fringes. They also grew a lot slower, dividing in two at about half the rate as their exterior cousins. 

Put differently, when cells get squished, they shine.

“When the cells become confined, and they can’t expand, they become highly fluorescent,” Cameron said. 

Tiny antennae

So why were those interior cells perspiring so much?

To answer that question, you have to get to know the phycobilisome. This teeny, protein-based structure is the antenna of the cell. Many of these phycobilisomes sit inside cyanobacteria where they collect sunlight, then transport it to the reaction sites where that energy can be converted into glucose, or sugar.

Or that’s what usually happens. Cameron and his colleagues found that when their cyanobacteria became too confined, they started to shed their phycobilisomes. 

“If the cyanobacteria got more light than they could use for photosynthesis, these antennae would literally pop off,” Cameron said. 

The microbes couldn’t use all that energy, so to keep from getting glutted, they turned off photosynthesis. 

The group’s results, he said, show just how dynamic single-celled organisms can be: They have a lot of tools for staying healthy in a dynamic social environment.

Understanding that social environment could also one day help scientists put photosynthesis to work—tapping sunlight to design more sustainable buildings or make other biology-based tools. 

“We might be able to develop small-scale machines that are using light to perform computations or work,” Cameron said.

It’s a whole new way to think about catching some rays.

Other coauthors on the new study include CU Boulder researchers Kristin Moore, a former graduate student in RASEI; Sabina Altus, a graduate student in the Department of Applied Mathematics; Jian Wei Tay, an image analysis specialist in RASEI; Janet Meehl, a professional research assistant in RASEI; Evan Johnson, lab manager; and David Bortz, an associate professor of applied mathematics.

Read the paper: Nature microbiology

Article source: University of Colorado at Boulder

Author: Daniel Strain

Image credit: Kristin A. Moore and Jeffrey C. Cameron

How three genes rule plant symbioses

By | Agriculture, News, Plant Science

For billions of years life on Earth was restricted to aquatic environments, the oceans, seas, rivers and lakes.

Then 450 million years ago the first plants colonised land, evolving in the process multiple types of beneficial relationships with microbes in the soil.

These relationships, known as symbioses, allow plants to access additional nutrients. The most intimate among them are intracellular symbioses that result in the accommodation of microbes inside plant cells. A study recently published describes the discovery of a common genetic basis for intracellular symbioses.

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A genetic map for maize

By | Agriculture, News, Plant Science

Researchers uncover the genetics of how corn can adapt faster to new climates

Maize is a staple food all over the world. In the United States, where it’s better known as corn, nearly 90 million acres were planted in 2018, earning $47.2 billion in crop cash receipts. 

But, under the effects of climate change, this signature crop may not fare so well. As the world tries to feed a population skyrocketing to nine billion by 2050, that has major implications. So, what can we do about it? The answer might be exotic. 

A multi-institutional team led by University of Delaware plant geneticist Randy Wisser decoded the genetic map for how maize from tropical environments can be adapted to the temperate U.S. summer growing season. Wisser sees these exotic varieties, which are rarely used in breeding, as key to creating next-era varieties of corn.

The research team included scientists from UD, North Carolina State University, University of Wisconsin, University of Missouri, Iowa State University, Texas A&M University and the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service. The resulting study, highlighted by the editorial board of Genetics, provides a new lens into the future viability of one of the world’s most important grains.

“If we can expand the genetic base by using exotic varieties, perhaps we can counter stresses such as emerging diseases and drought associated with growing corn in a changing climate,” said Wisser, associate professor in UD’s Department of Plant and Soil Sciences. “That is critical to ensuring ample production for the billions of people who depend on it for food and other products.” 

Modern maize strains were created from only a small fraction of the global maize population. This limited infusion of diversity raises concerns about the vulnerability of American corn in a shifting climate. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) seed bank includes tens of thousands of varieties, but many are just not being used. 

“We know that the tropical maize varieties represent our greatest reservoir of genetic diversity,” said study co-author Jim Holland, a plant geneticist with the USDA Agricultural Research Service at North Carolina State. “This study improved our understanding of those genetics, so we can use this information to guide future breeding efforts to safeguard the corn crop.”

Certain exotic strains of maize better handle drought or waterlogging or low-nitrogen soil, for example. But because these strains have evolved outside the U.S., they are not immediately suited to states like Delaware. So, exotics first need to be pre-adapted.

In prior work, Wisser and his colleagues showed how 10 years of repeated genetic selection was required to adapt a tropical strain of maize to the temperate U.S. Co-author Arnel Hallauer spent a decade adapting the population through selective breeding, so it could flourish in an environment like Delaware. 

“What’s so cool now is that we could go back to the original generations from Dr. Hallauer and grow them side by side in the same field,” Wisser said of the first-of-its-kind experimental design. “This allows us to rule out the influence of the environment on each trait, directly exposing the genetic component of evolution. This has opened a ‘back to the future’ channel where we can redesign our approach to developing modern varieties.”

While extremely impressive, a decade to adapt exotic maize to new environments is a lot of time when the climate change clock is ticking.

“Unfortunately, this process takes 10 years, which is not counting ongoing evaluations and integrating the exotic variations into more commonly used types of maize,” Wisser said. “With the climate threats we face, that’s a long time. So, gaining insights into this evolutionary process will help us devise ways to shorten the time span.”

Accelerating adaptation

Wisser isn’t wasting any time as he explores ways to bolster corn’s ability to survive and thrive. He and Holland are working on a new project to cut that time span in half. 

In cutting-edge research funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture, the team is analyzing how corn genomes behave in a target environment as they aim to formulate a predictive model for fitness.

“What we’re doing is sequencing the genomes and measuring traits like flowering time or disease for individuals in one generation. From this, we can generate a lookup table that allows us to foresee which individuals in the next generation have the best traits based on their genetic profiles alone,” Wisser said. “And our lookup table can be tailored to predict how the individuals will behave in a particular environment or location like Delaware.” 

That means plant breeders could grow a second generation of corn anywhere outside of Delaware, but still predict which individuals would be the most fit for Delaware’s environment. 

“For instance, even if the plants are grown at a location where a disease is not present, our prediction model can still select the resistant plants and cross them to enrich the genes that underlie resistance,” Wisser said. 

With this approach, researchers don’t have to wait out a Delaware winter, so they can continue to pre-adapt the population for at least one extra generation per year. That’s how 10 years of selective breeding for pre-adaptation could become five, providing a quicker route to access exotic genes. 

This new effort connects to the Genomes To Fields (G2F) Initiative, developed in 2013 for understanding and capitalizing on the link between genomes and crop performance for the benefit of growers, consumers and society. 

If Wisser and Holland can develop a method to rapidly pre-adapt exotics, this opens a lane for G2F to test the impact of these unique genomes on crop performance.

“Our goal is to advance the science so breeders can draw on a wider array of the diversity that has accumulated across thousands of years of evolution,” explained Wisser, who has been involved in the public-private initiative since its beginning. “In turn, they can produce improved varieties for producers and consumers facing the challenges of climate change.”

Read the paper: Genetics

Article source: University of Delaware

Author: Dante LaPenta

Image credit: Monica Moriak, Evan Krape, Teclemariam Weldekidan and Randy Wisser