
Plant Health

Image: Ladybird on leaf. Credit: Hans / Pixabay

Predatory insects protect apples from pests when flowers are planted on farms, finds study

By | News, Plant Health, Plant Science

A recent study reveals the vital role of predatory insects, such as hoverflies and ladybirds, in safeguarding Britain’s apple orchards from pests. Planting wildflower strips near orchards significantly reduces fruit damage, potentially increasing premium apple yields by 6.9% while promoting sustainable farming practices and reducing reliance on pesticides.

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Image: Late blight lesion on a potato leaf. Credit: Jean Ristaino, NC State University

Using Written Records – and Tweets – as a Roadmap for Plant Disease Spread

By | News, Plant Health, Plant Science

Researchers used text analytics on historical and contemporary writings, including tweets, to trace the spread of Phytophthora infestans, the pathogen behind the 1840s Irish potato famine and ongoing potato and tomato issues. By analyzing keywords and social media, they shed light on past outbreaks and modern disease trends, showcasing the potential of textual analysis in disease tracking.

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