Plant science webinar series
With focus on transversal and high-level topics of interest for plant scientists.
and soft-skill
Transversal webinars to help plant scientist with their scicomm and soft-skills
Effective Scientific
Collaborations and
International Projects Series
Project inception, how partners came together, and the general process from start to current state.
The Academic
First hand talks by researchers on their own experiences.
Scicomm and soft-skill Series
In English
- 29th, June 2021. Science Communication workshop. By Michele Catanzaro at PBE2021. Watch the recording here. Slides and checklist available.
- 9th, July 2021. The FAIR Data Principles. By 4TU.ResearchData. Watch the recording here.
- 9th, July 2021. Science communication on social media. Open discussion with Mary Williams and Geraint Parry. Watch the recording here.
- 8th, September 2021. Where should I send my paper? How to choose where to publish your results. By Oula Ghannoum (Western Sydney University). Watch the recording here.
- 9th, March 2022. Ethics in Plant Science by Prof John Bryant (University of Exeter). Watch the recording here.
- 14th, July 2022. Changing Landscape of Peer Review in Plant Science by Prof Wataru Sakamoto (Okayama University). Watch the recording here.
- 2nd, November 2022. A comparative analysis of policy options for DSI under the CBD: how do they measure up? Watch the recording here.
- 18th, July 2023. Building your online presence. Watch the recording here.
En Español

Effective Scientific Collaborations and International Projects Series
In English
- 9th, June 2021. “Heat and Drought Wheat Improvement Consortium (HeDWIC)” by Matthew Reynolds (HeDWIC leader). Watch the recording here.
- 6th, July 2021. “Rice breeding for Africa by using useful agricultural genes” by Prof Motoyuki Ashikari (University of Nagoya). Watch the recording here.
- 6th, October 2021. International Plant Phenotyping Network (IPPN) by Philipp von Gillhaussen (IPPN). Watch the recording here.
- 5th, May 2022. Webinar presenting the WAVE Regional Center of Excellenceby Prof Justin Pita. Watch the recording here.
- 8th, June 2022. CONNECTED: Community Network for African Vector-Borne Plant Viruses. Watch the recording here.
- 23rd, August 2022. The SHui project: an example of EU-China cooperation. Watch the recording here.
- 7th, December 2022. Farmers-Scientists panel on Climate-Smart Agriculture. Watch the recording here.
- 8th, May 2023. Farmers-Scientists panel on Gene-Edited crops. Watch the recording here.
- 5th, September 2024. Konzo: forgotten but not gone – Introducing the International Working Group for safe cassava. Watch the recording here.
- 17th, October 2024. Safeguarding the World’s Food Supply – An Introduction to the Crop Trust. Watch the recording here.
- 14th November 2024. The importance and role of (Bio)diversity in agriculture. Watch the recording here.
- 25th November 2024. Cassava consumption and early child neurodevelopment. Watch the recording here.
- 5th March 2025. Nutritional quality of cassava in a warming world. Register here.
International Year of Plants and Vegetable Series
En Español
- 10th, November 2021. Un dulce final: aplicación de la biotecnología en la mejora del almendro by Raquel Sánchez Pérez (CEBAS-CSIC). Watch the recording here.
In English
- 22nd, September 2022. Memories of Pathogen Encounters: Defense Priming and Epigenetic Regulation. Watch the recording here.
Plant Science-Based Solutions for Climate Change Series
- 17th November 2023. Webinar 1: Unveiling the Power of Plant Science. Speakers: Claudia Stange and Rodrigo Gutierrez. Watch the recording here.
- 20th November 2023. Webinar 2: Enhancing Agriculture in a Changing Climate. Speakers: Lisa Ainsworth (University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign) and Amanda Cavanagh (University of Essex). Watch the recording here.
- 22nd November 2023. Webinar 3: Pioneering Plant Science for a Sustainable Future. Speakers: Mark Tester (KAUST) and Rob Allen (CSIRO). Watch the recording here.