
plant science Archives - Page 36 of 93 - The Global Plant Council

NET locus regulates both flavor quality and nutrient metabolite accumulation in rice

By | Agriculture, News, Plant Science

Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the most important crops worldwide, providing much of the calorific needs for half of the global population. Economic development and rising living standards have led to the demand for rice gradually shifting from satisfying the need to “be full” to satisfying the need to “eat well,” and combining flavor with nutrition is essential for the latter. Much research has focused on improving the eating and cooking quality (ECQ) of rice to meet the demand for “tasty.” However, effort to improve comprehensive nutrition in rice remains fragmented.

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From cell walls to photosynthesis: How does manganese get to where it needs to go in plants?

By | News, Plant Science

The protein BICAT3 is one of the most important manganese distributors in plants. If defective, this can have devastating effects on a plant’s growth; its leaves grow significantly smaller and it produces fewer seeds than usual. A team has recently uncovered a transport pathway for manganese in plants and the role that BICAT3 plays in this process. The results could lay the groundwork for improved crop growth.

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Bursts of fluorescence caught on video reveal how and why the sensitive plant Mimosa pudica moves its leaves rapidly

By | News, Plant Science

Plants do not possess nerves and muscles that enable rapid movement in animals. However, Mimosa pudica, commonly called touch-me-not, shame or sensitive plant, moves its leaves by bending the motor organ “pulvinus” immediately in response to touch and wounds. Since the era of Charles Darwin, this spectacular leaf movement has been studied. However, the long-distance signaling molecules that trigger the rapid leaf movements and the physiological roles of this movement remain unexplored.

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