
plant science Archives - Page 30 of 93 - The Global Plant Council

The dual face of photoreceptors during seed germination

By | News, Plant Science

Seed germination depends on light in many plants. But not always: Aethionema arabicum, a plant adapted to challenging environmental conditions, does it its own way. Here, the phytochromes, the receptors for red and far-red light, play an unexpected role in seed germination and time this process to the optimal season. These findings are a compelling example of the evolutionary rewiring of signaling modules that help plants adapt to their habitats.

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International Agreements and the Plant Genetics Research Community: A Guide to Practice

By | Blog, DSI, Plant Science, Policy

Plant Genetic Resources underpin not only the future of agriculture and food security, but are increasingly being re-evaluated to address issues such as climate adaptation, nutrition and the wider bio-economy. This week a prominent ‘perspective’ paper provides an excellent overview and explanation of the international agreements that govern use of Plant Genetic Resources (PGR) as well as best practices for complying with the agreements.

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