

Adapting to climate change: Researchers find natural gene variant that allows barley to flower earlier

By | News, Plant Science

A tiny mutation in the genetic material of barley ensures that those plants develop faster and thus flower earlier than established barley varieties. At the same time, plant yields remain the same. According to the researchers, this is advantageous as the plants could potentially adapt better to the effects of climate change and continue to produce stable harvests.

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From cross to self-pollination: Examining how plants develop different routes to replication

By | News, Plant Science

There are flowering plants that have the ability to self-pollinate, meaning that they can fertilise themselves without a partner. However, selfing also has clear negative consequences for the plants – first and foremost the loss of genetic variability and biological fitness of the species. Thus, many flowering plants have mechanisms in place to prevent selfing, for example by recognising and rejecting their own pollen.

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Unveiling the secrets of green pods: The role of soybean pods and seeds in photosynthesis

By | Agriculture, News

Researchers have discovered that the green color of soybean pods is due to chlorophyll, which plays a crucial role in the plant’s photosynthetic process. The study found that pod and seed photosynthesis contribute significantly to soybean yield, challenging conventional notions about the importance of leaves. This finding offers new insights for optimizing plant productivity and increasing food production.

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New imaging technique can capture entire plant tissues in 3D

By | News, Plant Science

The cellular life inside a plant is as vibrant as the blossom. In each plant tissue—from root tip to leaf tip—there are hundreds of cell types that relay information about functional needs and environmental changes. Now, a new technology can capture this internal plant world at an unprecedented resolution, opening the door for understanding how plants respond to a changing climate and leading to more resilient crops.

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