

Even in jagged volcanic ice spires, life (i.e. snow algae) finds a way

By | News, Plant Science

High in the Andes Mountains, dagger-shaped ice spires house thriving microbial communities, offering an oasis for life in one of Earth’s harshest environments as well as a possible analogue for life on other planets.

The distinctive icy blade formations known as nieves penitentes (or, “penitent ones”) are named for their resemblance to praying monks in white robes and form in cold, dry conditions at elevations above 13,000 feet. The penitentes, which can range from a few inches to 15 feet high, are found in some of the most hostile conditions on Earth, with extreme winds, temperature fluctuations and high UV radiation exposure due to the thin atmosphere.

And yet, as a recently published study led by CU Boulder student researchers finds, these spires offer shelter for microbes by providing a water source in an otherwise arid, nutrient-poor environment.

In March 2016, CU Boulder students and faculty members traveled to Volcán Llullaillaco in Chile, the world’s second-highest volcano. The two-week expedition into the arid landscape, planned in collaboration with their Chilean colleagues, was no easy feat.

“This is a very remote area that’s difficult to access,” said Steve Schmidt, a professor in CU Boulder’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (EBIO) and a co-author of the study. “The entire back of one of our pickup trucks had to be filled with barrels of drinking water. It’s no trivial thing to go out there, and that’s one of the reasons these formations haven’t been studied much.”

After reaching the penitente fields at 16,000 feet above sea level, the scientists noticed patches of red coloration, a telltale sign of microbial activity that has been previously observed in other snow and ice formations around the world.

Upon bringing back samples for analysis, the researchers confirmed the presence of algal species Chlamydomonas and Chloromonas in the ice, the first documentation of snow algae or any other life forms in the penitentes.

“Snow algae have been commonly found throughout the cryosphere on both ice and snow patches, but our finding demonstrated their presence for the first time at the extreme elevation of a hyper-arid site,” said Lara Vimercati, lead author of the study and a doctoral researcher in EBIO. “Interestingly, most of the snow algae found at this site are closely related to other known snow algae from alpine and polar environments.”

The new findings add to scientists’ understanding of the limits of life on Earth, says Alexandra Krinsky, a co-author of the study and an undergraduate in the Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology who helped analyze the samples.

“From looking at the extreme environments of the dry Andes to the aquatic life roaming the sea floor, we have broken the original ideas of where life can and has been found,” she said.

The study may also have implications for the search for alien life. Penitente-like formations have recently been discovered on Pluto and are speculated to exist on Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons. The Atacama region in Chile is also considered to be the best Earth analogue for the soils of Mars.

“We’re generally interested in the adaptations of organisms to extreme environments,” Schmidt said. “This could be a good place to look for upper limits of life.”

“Our study shows how no matter how challenging the environmental conditions, life finds a way when there is availability of liquid water,” Vimercati said.

Additional co-authors of the research include Adam Solon of CU Boulder; John Darcy of the University of Colorado Denver; Dorota Porazinska of the University of Florida; and Pablo Arán and Cristina Dorador of the Universidad de Antofagasta (Chile).

Read the paper: Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research

Article source: University of Colorado at Boulder

Image: Steve Schmidt/CU Boulder

These algae can live inside fungi. It could be how land plants first evolved.

By | MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory, News, Plant Science

Picture a typical documentary scene on the evolution of life. It probably starts with little bugs in a murky, primordial soup. Eons of time zip by as bugs turn into fish, fish swim to land as their fins morph into limbs for crawling animals, which then stand up on two legs, to finally end up with walking humans.

The picture is very animal-centric. But what about plants? They also made the jump from water to land. Scientists think that green algae are their water-living ancestors, but we are not sure how the transition to land plants happened.

New research from Michigan State University, and published in the journal eLife, presents evidence that algae could have piggybacked on fungi to leave the water and to colonize the land, over 500 million years ago.

“Fungi are found all over the planet. They create symbiotic relationships with most land plants. That is one reason we think they were essential for evolution of life on land. But until now, we have not seen evidence of fungi internalizing living algae,” says Zhi-Yan Du, study co-author and member of the labs of Christoph Benning, and now, Gregory Bonito.

Researchers selected a strain of soil fungus and marine alga from old lineages, respectively Mortierella elongata and Nannochloropsis oceanica.

When grown together, both organisms form a strong relationship.

“Microscopy images show the algal cells aggregating around and attaching to fungal cells,” Du says. “The algal wall is slightly broken down, and its fibrous extensions appear to grab the surface of the fungus.”

Surprisingly, when they are grown together for a long time – around a month – some algal cells enter the fungal cells. Both organisms remain active and healthy in this relationship.

This is the first time scientists have seen fungi internalize a expand iconeukaryotic, photosynthetic organism. They call it a ‘photosynthetic mycelium’.

“Both organisms get additional benefits from being together,” Du says. “They exchange nutrients, with a likely net flow of carbon from alga to fungus, and a net flow of nitrogen in the other direction. Interestingly, the fungus needs physical contact with living algal cells to get nutrients. Algal cells don’t need physical contact or living fungus to benefit from the interaction. Fungal cells, dead or alive, release nutrients in their surroundings.”

“Even better, when nutrients are scarce, algal and fungal cells grown together fend off starvation by feeding each other. They do better than when they are grown separately.”

Perhaps this increased hardiness explains how algae survived the trek onto land.

“In nature, similar symbiotic events might be going on, more than we realize,” Du adds. “We now have a system to study how a expand iconphotosynthetic organism can live inside a non-photosynthetic one and how this symbiosis evolves and functions.”

Both organisms are biotech related strains because they produce high amounts of oil. Du is testing them as a platform to produce high-value compounds, such as biofuels or Omega 3 fatty acids.

“Because the two organisms are more resilient together, they might better survive the stresses of bioproduction,” Du says. “We could also lower the cost of harvesting algae, which is a large reason biofuel costs are still prohibitive.”

Read the paper: eLife

Article source: MSU-DOE Plant Research Laboratory

Image: Zhi-Yan Du, colored by Igor Houwat; from eLife

Improved model could help scientists better predict crop yield, climate change effects

By | Climate change, News, Plant Science

A new computer model incorporates how microscopic pores on leaves may open in response to light—an advance that could help scientists create virtual plants to predict how higher temperatures and rising levels of carbon dioxide will affect food crops, according to a study published in a special issue of the journal Photosynthesis Research.

“This is an exciting new computer model that could help us make much more accurate predictions across a wide range of conditions,” said Johannes Kromdijk, who led the work as part of an international research project called Realizing Increased Photosynthetic Efficiency RIPE.

RIPE, which is led by the University of Illinois, is engineering crops to be more productive without using more water by improving photosynthesis, the natural process all plants utilize to convert sunlight into energy to fuel growth and crop yields. RIPE is supported by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the U.S. Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR), and the U.K. Government’s Department for International Development (DFID).

The current work focused on simulating the behavior of what are known as stomata—microscopic pores in leaves that, in response to light, open to allow water, carbon dioxide, and oxygen to enter and exit the plant. In 2018, the RIPE team published a paper in Nature Communications that showed increasing one specific protein could prompt plants to close their stomata partially—to a point where photosynthesis was unaffected, but water loss decreased significantly. This study’s experimental data was used to create the newly improved stomata model introduced today.

“We’ve known for decades that photosynthesis and stomatal opening are closely coordinated, but just how this works has remained uncertain,” said Stephen Long, Ikenberry Endowed University Chair of Crop Sciences and Plant Biology at the University of Illinois. “With this new computer model, we have a much better tool for calculating stomatal movements in response to light.”

The ultimate goal, Long said, is to identify opportunities to control these stomatal gatekeepers to make drought-tolerant crops. “Now we’re closing in on the missing link: How photosynthesis tells stomates when to open.”

Computer modeling has been a major advance in crop breeding. The father of modern genetics, Gregor Mendel, made his breakthrough discovery that pea plants inherit traits from their parents by growing and breeding more than 10,000 pea plants over eight years. Today, plant scientists can virtually grow thousands of crops in a matter of seconds using these complex computer models that simulate plant growth.

Stomatal models are used together with models for photosynthesis to make wide-ranging predictions from future crop yields to crop management, such as how crops respond when there is a water deficit. In addition, these models can give scientists a preview of how crops like wheat, maize, or rice could be affected by rising carbon dioxide levels and higher temperatures.

“The previous version of the stomatal model used a relationship that wasn’t consistent with our current understanding of stomatal movements,” said Kromdijk, now a University Lecturer at the University of Cambridge. “We found that our new version needs far less tuning to make highly accurate predictions.”

Still, there’s a lot of work to be done to show that this modified model functions in a wide variety of applications and to underpin the relationship between stomata and photosynthesis further.

“We have to show that this model works for a diverse range of species and locations,” said former RIPE member Katarzyna Glowacka, now an assistant professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. “Large-scale simulation models string together models for atmospheric turbulence, light interception, soil water availability, and others—so we have to convince several research communities that this is an improvement that is worth making.”

Read the paper: Photosynthesis Research

Article source: University of Illinois College of Agricultural, Consumer and Environmental Sciences ACES

Image: Brian Stauffer/University of Illinois

How much do climate fluctuations matter for global crop yields?

By | Agriculture, News

The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been responsible for widespread, simultaneous crop failures in recent history, according to a new study from researchers at Columbia University’s International Research Institute for Climate and Society, the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and other partners. This finding runs counter to a central pillar of the global agriculture system, which assumes that crop failures in geographically distant breadbasket regions such as the United States, China and Argentina are unrelated. The results also underscore the potential opportunity to manage such climate risks, which can be predicted using seasonal climate forecasts.

The study, published in Science Advances, is the first to provide estimates of the degree to which different modes of climate variability such as ENSO cause volatility in global and regional production of corn, wheat and soy. Such variability caused nearly 18 percent volatility in global corn production from 1980 to 2010, for example.

“Global agriculture counts on the strong likelihood that poor production in one part of the world will be made up for by good production elsewhere,” said Weston Anderson, a postdoctoral research scientist at the International Research Institute for Climate and Society and lead author on the study.

Of course, there’s always a chance—however small—that it won’t. The assumption until now has been that widespread crop failures would come from a set of random, adverse weather events, Anderson said.

He and his co-authors decided to test this idea by looking at the impact that the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, the Indian Ocean Dipole, and other well-understood climate patterns have had on global production of corn, soybeans and wheat. They analyzed how these modes of climate variability influenced drought and heat in major growing regions.

“We found that ENSO can, and has, forced multiple breadbasket failures, including a significant one in 1983,” said Anderson. “The problem with pooling our risk as a mitigating strategy is that it assumes failures are random. But we know that strong El Niño or La Niña events in effect organize which regions experience drought and extreme temperatures. For some crops, that reorganization forces poor yields in multiple major production regions simultaneously.”

How important is the influence of climate variability? The authors found that, on a global level, corn is the most susceptible to such crop failures. They found that 18% percent of the year-to-year changes in corn production were the result of climate variability. Soybeans and wheat were found to be less at risk for simultaneous failures, with climate variability accounting for 7% and 6% of the changes in global production, respectively.

“The bigger the uncertainty around climate drivers, the bigger the risk for those involved in the food systems,” said co-author Liangzhi You, a senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute. “The worst affected are poor farmers in developing countries whose livelihoods depend upon crop yields as they do not have an appetite for risks in absence of formal insurance products or other coping mechanisms.” The risk is further exacerbated by challenges posed by lack of infrastructure and resources in developing countries.

“ENSO may not be important in all years, but it is the only thing we know of that has forced simultaneous global-scale crop failures” said Anderson.

Within specific regions, the risk to agriculture by climate variability can be much higher. For example, across much of Africa and in Northeast Brazil, ENSO and other recurring climate phenomena accounted for 40-65% of the ups and downs of food production. In other regions, the number was as low as 10%.

While on the surface this may appear to mean that those areas more affected by ENSO and other climate patterns are more at risk to extreme events, the numbers actually reflect a link to climate patterns that can be monitored and predicted.

“What excites me about this work is that it shows how predictable modes of climate variability impact crop production in multiple regions and can scale up to influence global production, said co-author Richard Seager of Columbia’s Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory. “This should allow anticipation of shocks to global food prices and supplies and, hence, improve efforts to avoid food insecurity and provide emergency food assistance when needed.”

Read the paper: Science Advances

Article source: International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI

Image: Laura Mendez / Pixabay

Scientists find high mutation rates generating genetic diversity within huge, old-growth trees

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Study provides clues on how trees evolve to survive

The towering, hundreds of years old Sitka spruce trees growing in the heart of Vancouver Island’s Carmanah Valley appear placid and unchanging.

In reality, each one is packed to the rafters with evolutionary potential.

UBC researchers scraped bark and collected needles from 20 of these trees last summer, sending the samples to a lab for DNA sequencing. Results, published recently in Evolution Letters, showed that a single old-growth tree could have up to 100,000 genetic differences in DNA sequence between the base of the tree, where the bark was collected, and the tip of the crown.

Each difference represents a somatic mutation, or a mutation that occurs during the natural course of growth rather than during reproduction.

“This is the first evidence of the tremendous genetic variation that can accumulate in some of our tallest trees. Scientists have known for decades about somatic mutations, but very little about how frequently they occur and whether they contribute significantly to genetic variation,” said Sally Aitken, the study’s lead researcher and a professor of forestry at UBC. “Now, thanks to advances in genomic sequencing, we know some of the answers.”

The researchers chose the Sitka spruce because it’s among the tallest trees growing in the Pacific Northwest, and sampled the exceptional trees in Carmanah Walbran Provincial Park.

“Because these trees live so long and grow so tall, they’re capable of accumulating tremendous genetic variation over time,” explained Vincent Hanlon, who did the research as part of his master of science in the faculty of forestry at UBC.

“On average, the trees we sampled for the study were 220 to 500 years old and 76 metres tall. There’s a redwood tree in California that’s 116 metres tall, but these Sitka spruce were pretty big.”

The researchers say more time and further studies will be needed to understand exactly how the different somatic mutations will affect the evolution of the tree as a species.

“Most of the mutations are probably harmless, and some will likely be bad,” explained Aitken. “But other mutations may result in genetic diversity and if they’re passed onto offspring they’ll contribute to evolution and adaptation over time.”

Studying somatic mutation rates in various tree species can shed light on how trees, which can’t evolve as rapidly as other organisms like animals due to their long lifespans, nonetheless survive and thrive, Aitken said.

“We often see tree populations that adapt well to local climates and develop effective responses to changing stresses such as pests and bugs,” she added. “Our study provides insights on one genetic mechanism that might help make this possible.”

Read the paper: Evolution Letters

Article source: University of British Columbia

Image: TJ Watt

Scientists transform tobacco info factory for high-value proteins

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For thousands of years, plants have produced food for humans, but with genetic tweaks, they can also manufacture proteins like Ebola vaccines, antibodies to combat a range of conditions, and now, cellulase that is used in food processing and to break down crop waste to create biofuel. In Nature Plants, a team from Cornell University and the University of Illinois announced that crops can cheaply manufacture proteins inside their cellular power plants called chloroplasts—allowing the crops to be grown widely in fields rather than restrictive greenhouses—with no cost to yield.

“This research shows the potential to improve people’s quality of life by producing medicinal and industrial proteins at costs that are orders of magnitude cheaper than current production methods,” said Justin McGrath, a research scientist at the IGB, whose work was supported by the IGB Fellows program. “Currently, protein production can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars per gram, but we estimate that this new approach would reduce costs to just a few dollars per gram, allowing production to expand exponentially to help meet market demand.”

Typically, these proteins are produced using cell cultures, where yeast or other microbes manufacture proteins in batch production. The genes that encode for these proteins are located in the nuclei of tobacco leaf cells—but each tobacco leaf cell has only one nucleus with one DNA copy to manufacture protein, limiting the amount of protein that can be produced. These plants must be grown in sealed greenhouses to prevent gene escape from their pollen.

In this study, the team engineered tobacco to produce cellulase proteins in the crop’s chloroplasts, where plants turn sunlight and carbon dioxide into energy through the process called photosynthesis. Each leaf cell contains about one hundred chloroplasts that contain thousands of copies of chloroplast DNA—which is separate from nuclear DNA—that can produce an enormous amount of protein.

“Given the huge health costs inflicted on global society, the idea of growing any more tobacco is not just bad, but ugly. But, this overlooks the fact that tobacco—as a crop bred to produce large quantities of leaves—could be a factory for good,” said Stephen Long (BSD/CABBI/GEGC), the Ikenberry Endowed University Chair of Crop Sciences at Illinois. “Chloroplasts are not present in pollen, making it possible to cultivate this engineered tobacco in fields and transform land once used for cigarette and cigar production into protein factories that can improve our health and industrial efficiency.”

However, chloroplast DNA encodes proteins essential for photosynthesis, which provides the energy for all plant growth and production—including protein production. This study asked whether protein production in the chloroplast compromises photosynthesis and growth.

To find out, the team grew tobacco engineered to produce cellulase in real-world, agronomic conditions over two years at Illinois’ Energy Farm. While they detected a slight effect on photosynthetic capacity in one year, there were no detectable differences in yield in either year.

“We showed, for the first time, that large amounts of recombinant protein can be produced in field cultivation and that this does not compromise photosynthesis or crop productivity,” McGrath said. “This study opens the door to much wider testing of chloroplast protein production, and ultimately, tobacco fields that would do good for society.”

Read the paper: Nature Plants

Article source: University of Illinois

Image: Cornell University / University of Illinois

Climate change could affect symbiotic relationships between microorganisms and trees

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Some fungi and bacteria live in close association, or symbiosis, with tree roots in forest soil to obtain mutual benefits. The microorganisms help trees access water and nutrients from the atmosphere or soil, sequester carbon, and withstand the effects of climate change. In exchange, they receive carbohydrates, which are essential to their development and are produced by the trees during photosynthesis.

More than 200 scientists from several countries, including 14 from Brazil, collaborated to map the global distribution of these root symbioses and further the understanding of their vital role in forest ecosystems. They identified factors that determine where different kinds of symbionts may emerge and estimated the impact of climate change on tree-root symbiotic relationships and hence on forest growth.

They concluded that the majority of ectomycorrhizal trees will decline by as much as 10% if emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) proceed unabated until 2070, especially in cooler parts of the planet. Ectomycorrhizae are a form of symbiotic relationship that occurs between fungal symbionts and the roots of various plant species.

The authors of the study, featured on the cover of Nature, included Brazilian researchers Carlos Joly and Simone Aparecida Vieira, both professors at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP) and coordinators of the FAPESP Research Program on Biodiversity Characterization, Conservation, Restoration and Sustainable Use (BIOTA-FAPESP), as well as plant ecologist Luciana Ferreira Alves, now at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the United States.

“We’ve long known that root-microorganism symbiosis is key to enable certain tree species to survive in areas where the soil is very poor and nutrients are released slowly by the decomposition of organic matter. The mapping survey helps us understand the distribution of these relationships worldwide and the factors that determine them,” Vieira told Agência FAPESP.

The researchers focused on mapping three of the most common groups of tree-root symbionts: arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, ectomycorrhizal fungi, and nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Each group comprises thousands of species of fungi or bacteria that form unique partnerships with different tree species.

Thirty years ago, botanist David Read, Emeritus Professor of Plant Science at the University of Sheffield in the United Kingdom and a pioneer of symbiosis research, drew maps to show locations around the world where he thought different symbiotic fungi might reside based on the nutrients they provide to fuel tree growth.

Ectomycorrhizal fungi provide trees with nitrogen directly from organic matter, such as decaying leaves, so Read proposed that these fungi would be more successful in forests with cooler and drier seasonal climates, where decomposition is slow and leaf litter is abundant.

In contrast, Read argued, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi should dominate in the tropics, where tree growth is limited by soil phosphorus and the warm, wet climate accelerates decomposition.

More recently, research by other groups has shown that nitrogen-fixing bacteria seem to thrive most in arid biomes with alkaline soil and high temperatures.

These hypotheses have now become testable thanks to the data gathered from large numbers of trees in various parts of the globe and made available by the Global Forest Biodiversity Initiative (GFBI), an international consortium of forest scientists.

In recent years, GFBI-affiliated researchers have built a database comprising information from more than 1.1 million forest plots and have inventoried 28,000 tree species. They surveyed actual trees located in over 70 countries on every continent except Antarctica.

The inventories also contain information on soil composition, topography, temperature and carbon storage, among other items.

“The plots inventoried by researchers linked to BIOTA-FAPESP are located in areas of Atlantic rainforest, including the northern coast of São Paulo State, such as Caraguatatuba, Picinguaba, Cunha and Santa Virgínia, and the southern coast of the state, such as Carlos Botelho and Ilha do Cardoso,” Joly said. “We also inventoried a substantial part of the Amazon region via projects in collaboration with other groups.”

Data on the locations of 31 million trees from this database, along with information on the symbionts associated with them, were fed by the GFBI team into a computer algorithm that estimated the impacts of climate, soil chemistry, vegetation and topography, among other variables, on the prevalence of each type of symbiosis.

The analysis suggested that climate variables associated with organic decomposition rates, such as temperature and moisture, are the main factors influencing arbuscular mycorrhizal and ectomycorrhizal symbioses, while nitrogen-fixing bacteria are likely limited by temperature and soil acidity.
“Climate changes occurring in the Northern Hemisphere may displace ectomycorrhizal fungi to other regions, leading to a drastic reduction in the density of these symbiotic relationships or their total loss,” Vieira said.

“This can affect nutrient cycling and above all carbon fixation, which depends on these symbiotic associations if forest vegetation is to absorb nutrients that are scarce or not available in the requisite form.”

Effects of climate change

To gauge the vulnerability of global symbiosis levels to climate change, the researchers used their mapping survey to predict how symbioses may change by 2070 if carbon emissions continue unabated.

The projections indicated a 10% reduction in ectomycorrhizal fungi and hence in the abundance of trees associated with these fungi, corresponding to 60% of all trees.

The researchers caution that this loss could lead to more CO2 in the atmosphere because ectomycorrhizal fungi tend to increase the amount of carbon stored in the soil.

“CO2 limits photosynthesis, and an increase in atmospheric carbon could have a fertilization effect. Faster-growing plant species may be able to make better use of this rise in CO2 availability in the atmosphere than slower-growing plants, potentially leading to species selection. However, this remains to be seen,” Joly said.

The researchers are also investigating the likely impact of increased atmospheric CO2 and global warming on plant development. Plants must expend more resources on respiration in a warmer climate, so photosynthesis will accelerate. What the net outcome of this growth effect will be is unclear, according to the researchers.

“These questions regarding tropical forests are still moot. Continuous monitoring of permanent forest plots will help us answer them,” Joly said.

Read the paper: Nature

Article source: By Elton Alisson | Agência FAPESP

Image: bere von awstburg / Pixabay

Aggressive, non-native wetland plants squelch species richness more than dominant natives do

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Dominant, non-native plants reduce wetland biodiversity and abundance more than native plants do, researchers report in the journal Ecology Letters. Even native plants that dominate wetland landscapes play better with others, the team found.

The researchers analyzed 20 years of data collected by expert botanists from hundreds of randomly selected sites in Illinois. This allowed them to track changes in the variety and abundance of different plants in the same locations over time.

The dominant non-natives are not just choking out many other plants, the researchers report. They also have a broad ecological footprint, taking over wetlands on a regional level, rather than just in individual sites. This negatively affects populations of birds and insects that rely on the native wetlands.

“The more dominant they are, the less room is available for other species,” said Illinois Natural History plant ecologist and botanist Greg Spyreas, who conducted the research with INHS plant ecologist David Zaya and colleagues from the U.S. Geological Survey. “These non-natives become more dominant over time and their impact on the rest of the community is fundamentally different,” Spyreas said. “They outcompete better. And that’s across hundreds of sites.”

For example, a European cultivar of reed canary grass has taken hold in many parts of North America. It grows extremely fast, reduces the light available to other plants, produces enormous numbers of seeds and sends out underground stems to quickly colonize a site, Spyreas said.

“It creates this very thick thatch of dead material on the ground that other plants can’t penetrate – but it can,” he said. “It tolerates drought and flooding very well, whereas a lot of native plants cannot.”

Another offender, a non-native common reed, Phragmites, “is notable in its aggressiveness,” Zaya said. It can quickly crowd out other wetland species, including native Phragmites.

Not all non-native plants reduce the ecological richness of wetlands, Zaya said.

“There are non-natives that sit in the background and don’t affect the wetland community,” he said. “Also, many native plants will dominate wetland communities.”

Some researchers have hypothesized that it doesn’t matter if a dominant plant is native or non-native: Both can drive down the diversity and abundance of other species, Zaya said.

But the new study shows that dominant, non-native species are much more likely to radically diminish the biological diversity of a locale than their native counterparts will.

“When I see native- versus non-native-dominated wetlands, it looks like two totally different worlds,” Zaya said. “Each native wetland has its own personality, with a different little flower or forb or rare grass or sedge. No two are the same. But the non-native wetlands tend to look alike. They’re the same here as they are in Ohio.”

The data also offer insights into how to best maintain wetland diversity, the researchers said.

“If you have a massive database of wetland plants like we do in Illinois, if you look at the numbers, you can isolate the species that are the most problematic,” Spyreas said. Five non-native wetland plants are on the “worst offender” list, he said: reed canary grass, a non-native cattail, invasive Phragmites and two European buckthorns.

“If you can eliminate those, you’ve eliminated 90 percent of the non-native wetland species problem,” Spyreas said.

Read the paper: Ecology letters

Article source: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, News Bureau

Image: Greg Spyreas, Michael Jeffords and Susan Post

South African forests show pathways to a sustainable future

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Native forests make up 1% of the landscape in South Africa but could play a key role in reducing atmospheric carbon and identifying sustainable development practices that can be used globally to counter climate change, according to a Penn State researcher.

“As we think about pathways for reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations, one of the available approaches is to use the natural world as a sponge,” said Erica Smithwick, professor of geography and director of the Center for Landscape Dynamics at Penn State.

The challenge, according to Smithwick, is to use forests to store carbon while also meeting local community needs. As trees grow, they absorb and store carbon through photosynthesis. Carbon makes up about half of a tree’s mass, but amounts vary by species. To find its carbon stock, scientists use equations based on the tree’s diameter and other variables, like height and wood density, rather than cutting down and weighing each species.

In 2011, Smithwick tagged and measured trees in the Dwesa-Cwebe nature reserve in the Eastern Cape Province with help from students in Penn State‘s Parks and People study abroad program. She remeasured the trees five years later while in South Africa on a Core Fulbright U.S. Scholarship and analyzed the forests’ carbon content. The results of the study, one of the first to quantify carbon content in Africa, appear in a recent issue of the journal Carbon Management.

Smithwick found that the coastal, indigenous forests store a moderate to large amount of carbon. They are also a biodiversity hotspot and thus important for conservation. The local communities depend on the forests for resources such as medicinal plants, fuelwood and timber, as well as their spiritual needs, Smithwick added.

“As we move toward the sustainable development of these places, we need to think about how the local communities are able to value and work with these characteristics of the forests,” said Smithwick, who also holds an appointment in Penn State’s Earth and Environmental Systems Institute. “Understanding what is an optimal level of productivity extraction from the natural system so we’re not degrading the system is an area of interest. We’re trying to figure out what the balance between forest productivity and resource extraction is.”

Smithwick noted that the large amount of forest productivity, or how quickly the forests grow, and small amount of human use of forest resources suggest that humans are not negatively influencing the Dwesa-Cwebe forests. She added that access to the nature reserve is limited, and other reserves see more resource extraction.

The South African government manages Dwesa-Cwebe but plans eventually to hand over management of the park to the surrounding local communities. Smithwick said that conservation of the area must integrate human interactions and values into a development model that recognizes how humans can benefit a forest system if managed in a sustainable way.

“We have to recognize the importance of these natural forests and their biodiversity and carbon values, but we also have to situate that in a sustainable development challenge,” said Smithwick, who is also director of the Huck Institutes of Life Sciences Ecology Institute and associate director of the Institutes of Energy and the Environment. “The forest in South Africa is a good case study for how we start to think about balancing these considerations. The lessons learned from this hopefully can resonate to how we think about these challenges in other parts of the world.”

Read the paper: Carbon Management

Article source: Penn State

Image: Erica Smithwick Lab / Penn State

Unearthing the sweet potato proteome

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The sweet, starchy orange sweet potatoes are tasty and nutritious ingredients for fries, casseroles and pies. Although humans have been cultivating sweet potatoes for thousands of years, scientists still don’t know much about the protein makeup of these tubers. In ACS’Journal of Proteome Research, researchers have analyzed the proteome of sweet potato leaves and roots, and in the process, have revealed new insights into the plant’s genome.

The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas, Lam.) is a staple food in some parts of the world, in addition to being used for animal feed and industrial products, such as biofuels. The plant has a surprisingly complex genome, encoding more predicted genes than the human genome. Sweet potato also has a complex chemical composition, with a low protein content in the roots (the part that people eat) and many secondary metabolites in the leaves, making it difficult to extract sufficient quantities of proteins for analysis. Sorina and George Popescu and colleagues wanted to see whether a “proteogenomics” approach — analyzing both protein and genetic data together — could help them gain a better understanding of the compositions of sweet potato roots and leaves.

The team extracted proteins from root and leaf samples using two different methods and cut them into peptides, which they analyzed with liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. The researchers identified 3,143 unique proteins from sweet potato leaves and 2,928 from roots. When they compared the proteomic data with the genome of the sweet potato, they identified some regions in the published genome sequence where their data could provide enhanced information. For example, the analysis predicted 741 new protein-coding regions that previously were not thought to be genes. The group says the results could be used to help further characterize and biofortify the tuber.

Read the paper: Journal of Proteome Research

Article source: American Chemical Society

Image: Iva Balk/Pixabay