

Image: In this rendition of the macromolecular model of the secondary cell wall in poplar wood, cellulose is shown in white, hemicellulose in green, and lignin in yellow. Credit: Peter Ciesielski, NREL

Researchers Produce First Macromolecular Model of Plant Secondary Cell Wall

By | News, Plant Science

A multidisciplinary approach has enabled researchers to quantitatively define the relative positioning and arrangement of the polymers in Populus wood and to create a computer model that details the findings. The research into solving this macromolecular puzzle may hold the key to efficiently disentangle and deconstruct biomass for conversion to fuels, chemicals, and materials.

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Image: Lakes and forests are prime locations for biodiversity researchers to collect environmental DNA. Credit:  Lian und Sander Baumann / Pixabay

Here, there, everywhere: environmental DNA clues to biodiversity

By | Forestry, News, Research

Scientists are utilizing environmental DNA (eDNA) shed by living organisms to study biodiversity. EU-funded LeDNA project collects eDNA from lakes to assess and discover species, aiding global biodiversity preservation efforts. On World Biodiversity Day, May 22, 2024, a citizen science survey will test the method’s scalability, involving people worldwide in lake eDNA sampling using a specially designed device. Similarly, the BIOSPACE project explores eDNA in forests, predicting microbial biodiversity with satellite imagery, offering systematic and unbiased insights into lesser-known species for comprehensive biodiversity conservation.

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