BlogFuture Directions

Taking Care of Wildlings

By Hannes Dempewolf We at the Global Crop Diversity Trust care about wildlings! No, not the people beyond The Wall, but the wild cousins of our domesticated crops. By collecting, conserving and using wild crop relatives, we hope to be…
BlogGPC Community


Approaches to biofortification Biofortification is the improvement of the nutritional value of our crops through both traditional breeding and genetic engineering. Alongside DivSeek and Stress Resilience, biofortification is one of the Global Plant Council’s three main initiatives and will be…
BlogGPC CommunityInterviews

Women in Plant Science, Part II

Tuesday 13th October was Ada Lovelace Day, an international celebration of women in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) in honor of Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer. To highlight the achievements of women in STEM we’ve spoken to female…