Nitrogen 2023, a meeting of people with an interest in plant nitrogen regulation, metabolism and transport. Nitrogen 2023 will meet in Sydney Australia on November 6-9, 2023.
The meeting will be held at the University of Sydney in the inner suburb of Camperdown which sits just outside the central business district.
The Fifth International Symposium on the Nitrogen Nutrition of Plants (Nitrogen 2023) brings together those with a keen interest in plant nitrogen and how best this important nutrient can be used to support plant growth and ultimately produce food, fibre and oil. With looming global protein shortages expected by 2050, there has never been a more important period in plant science research to better understand the processes controlling N accessibility, N metabolism and the delivery of amino acids and proteins to an increasingly hungry planet. Our ability to meet many of the UN Sustainability Development Goals is intimately linked to improved N fertiliser use and the expansion in availability of protein-enriched foods sourced predominantly from plant inputs. It’s time to get to work and help solve these problems.