Shaping the Future for Pollinators – Innovations in Farmed Landscapes

Slough-Windsor , United Kingdom

The Association of Applied Biologists  (AAB) has teamed up with the British Ecological Society and the Royal Entomological Society  to deliver a  3-day conference “Shaping the Future for Pollinators: Innovations in  Farmed Landscapes”. Pollinators play a vital role in maintaining...

Leading and supporting others for ECRs and New PIs


This workshop will explore the role that emotional intelligence plays in different contexts. Cost This event is free for SEB members. Non-members will be charged the cost price of £20 per person. About the session Leadership and management are much...

Plants in Changing Environment

Mengeš Mengeš, Slovenia

The conference “Plants in Changing Environment”, organized by the Slovenian Society of Plant Biology, will be held at the Jable castle in Loka pri Mengšu (20 km from Ljubljana city centre), Slovenia from 15 – 16 September 2022. The scientific...