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Roots to Regenerative Agriculture

November 18 - November 20


This conference is an exciting collaboration between the AAB ‘Soil and Root Biology’ and ‘Cropping and the Environment’ specialist groups to bring together two broad yet highly interconnected topics across a three-day event. From Day 1 until a lunchtime poster session on Day 2 the conference will focus on the 1st AAB Soil and Root Biology conference. From the afternoon of Day 2 through Day 3 the conference will focus on wider topics related to Regenerative Agriculture. We encourage delegates to attend the entire 3-day meeting but will provide options to attend on select days.

Submit an Abstract here

Roots, soil Organisms And Rhizosphere – a ROARing success?

Nov 11th – Nov 12th AM.

1. Soil organisms, biodiversity & plant interactions – would include micro and macro-organisms, and interactions with plants.

2. Root & soil interactions – The rhizosphere & microbiome, including methods and the impact of different practices.

3. Roots in the soil and field – Including methods for measuring roots, important root traits for resource capture and resilience, root responses to different agricultural practices and stresses.

Regenerative Agriculture: Managing Soils and Resources

Nov 12th PM – Nov 13th

1. Soil management practices impacting soil health – Including: Tillage practices, cover cropping, climate adaptation (e.g. flooding and drought) and mitigation practices, carbon sequestration or stewardship

2. Regenerative agriculture and the importance of integrated nutrient Management – Precision agriculture, adaptive nutrient planning, novel fertilisers, diverse rotations, integrative manure management

3. Regenerative Practices – Companion cropping, Mob grazing, Regen and horticulture crops, Current and emerging weeds and pests, beneficial and natural enemies for biological control, soil food webs

4. The Regen mindset, behavioral change, market and policy drivers – Farmer preferences, managing risk on farm, supply chains, policy support and drivers of change

Featured image from Frank Ashwood: https://www.frankashwood.com/


November 18
November 20
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