DivSeek is a community-driven effort consisting of a diverse set of Partner organizations including funding bodies, universities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and government departments. These organizations have voluntarily come together to help DivSeek seek meet its mission to enable breeders and researchers to mobilize a vast range of plant genetic variation to accelerate the rate of crop improvement and furnish food and agricultural products to the growing human population.

DivSeek was initiated in 2015 by the following organizations; the Global Crop Diversity Trust, the Secretariat of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, the CGIAR consortium, and the Global Plant Council.

DivSeek works with its partners and other researchers and organizations to develop and share methodologies, open-source software tools, and best practices to facilitate the generation, integration, and sharing of data and information related to plant genetic resources (PGR). By creating a community of practice and making it possible to track and share information about PGR, DivSeek aims to empower gene bank managers, breeders, researchers and farmers to better characterize, disseminate and utilize plant genetic variation for accelerated crop improvement, strategic research, and sustainable production of food and agricultural products around the world.

To help achieve its mission DivSeek has established a number of working groups to actively engage partners and assist them in addressing issues of importance to the DivSeek Community. The DivSeek Working Groups are proposed and established by DivSeek Partners and function as the key mechanism for DivSeek to advance its goals.


DivSeek: Harnessing the power of crop diversity to feed the future (White Paper)
